Individual Self Fulfillment

"Individual Self-Fulfillment ( aka Self-Actualization) — see C. Edwin BakerHuman Liberty and Freedom of Speech
     Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identify — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy."

I feel as though being able to express oneself in the most natural way possible is one of the best ways to enjoy life. While restrictions that are in place are quite useful, I still firmly believe in free expression. If humans were bound by harsh government laws, no one would feel as though it was okay to say anything at all. While the restrictions prevent a lot of chaos from erupting, there are those that feel as though breaking those violations will bring them self fulfillment. And while others may not agree with those choices, it is up to the individual on how they live their own lives. If everyone lived under the same rules and guidelines, people would be too similar. The world wouldn't be exciting or spontaneous. We wouldn't have the crazy people that entertain us - like Lizzo or Joe Exotic from Tiger King

In High school, I took a Psychology class and explored the self-fulfillment theory. I believe they go hand in hand, as one compliments the other. Self actualization promotes the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophecy is when you believe that you are able to do/achieve something - and then successfully do so. If one is bound under government laws that restrict ones ability to express themselves, then they won't feel as though they actually have a purpose or belonging in life. This also could result in a dystopian like society, that could ultimately impact the future of peoples emotions and actions. 

At the core of this, all types free speech and expression will never be agreed upon everyone. It wasn't until 1919 that the US Supreme Court admitted laws in regards to free speech, such as no child pornography, plagiarism, and threats. There is always going to be a situation where someone is upset, angered, or feel as though they need to speak their opinion. Protesting is a very popular form of free speech that allows those involved to peacefully protest against something/someone. If we didn't allow people to do this - where would we be? Would violence arise because people have no other way to send a message? 

Because we have the First Amendment, this violence doesn't happen. People are allowed to express themselves and say how they feel, and that leads to successful self fulfillment
