EOTO Pt I - Propaganda

Propaganda has been a tactical move in politics for decades. It is the term coined when information is presented in a misleading or false way in order to make another party look bad. It actually falls back to as early as the 17th century. The term 'propaganda' didn't come into light, however, until the early 1900's in regards to the first World War. It came popular to people in power; Hitler, Mussalini, all used propaganda against others for more inhumane purposes, giving propaganda a horrible reputation. In this case, it led those who were not Jewish to suddenly turn against all who were. 

Propaganda is used to make people believe something that isn't necessarily true, in an attempt to win the average person over to their side. However, propaganda has been exposed to further strands than just politics. The media's use of propaganda has widely affected society. If something like this were to surface about Trump, people would be outraged. Violence may erupt and people may get hurt. And with media being spread so easily, it is very likely that a sudden event like this may happen to someone in a power position.  It seems as though my generation specifically can get a little sensitive, so the possibility of an outcome like this is very realistic. 
