
Final Exam Blog

Technology is something that I've seen change drastically since I was much younger. I remember when the first iPhone came out in 2007, and I was in 4th or 5th grade. Even then when I was so young, I was absolutely   mesmerized  by what the iPhone could do. The fact that you could access the internet within a mobile device, to me, was extraordinary. At the time I hadn't even had a cell phone yet, and when I did at the age of 10, it was a Verizon Razor flip phone, in the most horrendous color purple.                                                                          I couldn't do anything with this phone really, and I remember one of the coolest things I had was the ability to have so many ringtones to choose from. A few years later, after several updates of the iPhone, I started noticing a popular trend. Children, even younger than 10 years old, had their own iPhones or iPods. Devices that had access to anything, anywhere, in the hands of those who didn't even

Diffusion of Innovations: Snapchat

EOTO Pt I - Propaganda

Privacy, Online and Off

Online Presence

Individual Self Fulfillment

The History of Instagram

Com Tech Timeline: The Beginning of Online Videos

The Progressive Era

Investigating Google - Post 4

The US Supreme Court - Post 3

Blog Post 2